Pluto TV APK Download for Android 2023
Today I’m going to show you Pluto TV app this is an app that works on most streaming devices that allows you to watch over 100 live TV channels for free.
Many of you may already be aware of this app but for those of you that are not.I’m going to show it to you but first make sure that you subscribe my channel.So that way you can get notifications and updates every time I post a video so that way you can cut the cord completely as I just said Pluto TV offers over 100 live TV channels with all kinds of categories from news sports comedy dramas movies music cartoons the list goes on it’s a really cool app one thing.
I wanna make clear about this app is that it’s 100% legit legal and free unlike many IPTV services out there that are pretty much just illegal streams this one is real.

Pluto TV app for free is owned by media giant Viacom which explains why you may see some curate Viacom channels on it such as Nickelodeon MTV vh1 and Comedy Central it’s been around for several years now.So it’s reputable and here to stay unlike some sketchy web sites that may seem legit and give you free access to some of these major networks but in the end will give your device a virus and possibly you a letter from your internet provider telling you to stop illegally.
Streaming it works on pretty much any device Amazon fire TV stick Roku chromecast Apple TV it works on smartphones Smart TVs you can even watch it on your computer by going to Pluto TV in the event you don’t have a streaming device you just kind of want to test it out first before purchasing a Roku or fire stick getting the Pluto TV app is.
Pluto TV Tutorial
Very easy simply open up the app store on your streaming device smart TV or smartphone and search for the Pluto TV app once it’s downloaded all you have to do is open it up to start enjoying free TV navigating through channels is very quick and easy just by scrolling up and down and selecting the channel that you.
Want to watch it loads up very quick and the picture quality is B beautiful looks just like you’re watching this channel on a cable or satellite service it’s very smooth the quality is crisp it’s not breaking up it doesn’t look like it’s streamed on a cell phone it just looks very nice if.
You’re navigating through channels on the guide and want to go back to full screen without having to go all the way up to the channel and selecting it if you just press the play button on your device it will go back to full screen there are several categories of channels.

On the app and it’s gonna start with the featured channels which are probably more seasonal looks like there’s a Doctor Who channel a Christmas Channel and it’s gonna take me a while to go down because there are just so many channels this is the movies category so if you just kind of take a look at what’s on if action comedy, romance, drama, horror, terror thrillers, black cinema, Indies the Paramount movie channel.
There’s another popular network that’s known you may be familiar with and I’m just gonna keep going down season’s greetings this is Christmas category again I’m filming this in December so. You probably see some Christmas stuff on here we’re now in the category of entertainment channels there’s a few em TV channels e TV live B et spike American Gladiators TV land TV animals, docu TV fuse TV British TV buzzer which is vintage game shows.
I’m now on the news channels category you can see some of them are familiar NBC News CBS News, CNN today weather Nation which looks to be kind of their version of The Weather Channel Sky News RT and Court TV this is available over-the-air as a bunch of crime documentary style programming so.
İf you’re into Dateline NBC 48 hours on CBS you’ll definitely like this channel the next category is binge watch these channels are showing one main series exclusively on each of these channels so.You can see the Addams Family beavis and butthead the hills the challenge douse Cowboys Cheerleaders some of you may like that.